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We hope that the text you have written is satisfactory. However, we are happy to offer suggestions or assistance in improving it further. Please enter the text you would like improved below, and we will take a look and generate multiple improved versions for you to choose from. If you are still not satisfied, please generate again.

Example 1:
Online platform "Code in English" teaches various programming languages in a novel way. It provides unlimited videos and question answers. It also provides superb job opportunities once you complete the course.

Example 2:
New sales pipeline are in the process. Meeting happened. Deal is yet to close. How are you?

Example 3:
John, you are a useless employee. In spite of many reminders you did not achieve your target in any month in last 10 months.

Example 4:
Catherine, you are a wonderful employee. Based on your superb work, you have been selected employee of the year.

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