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Most Advanced AI

Generate Code at the speed of Thought

Improve Productivity of Developers

Frequently Asked Questions

Who owns the Code Generated?

You own the code that is generated.

The code generated by our website is not guaranteed to be accurate, so please thoroughly test it before using it in your project.

You are responsible for ensuring the security and quality of your code. We recommend you take the same precautions when using code generated by "Code in English" that you would when using any code you didn't write yourself.

Is it free to use?

We are happy to offer you a trial period of fifteen days when you register for our service.

We provide enough credit so that you can test each option once.

Who owns the text generated by Writing Assistant?

You have full rights to the text, including the right to use, copy, distribute, and display the text however you see fit.

The text can be used for personal and commercial purposes, but we recommend checking it thoroughly before using it as there is a chance of factual inaccuracies.

Is code generated by 'Code in English' plagiarism-free?

The AI code generator is trained on billions of parameters, so in most cases it produces code that is free of plagiarism.

If you would like your code to be unique, you should describe the coding problem in detail and provide instructions on how to do it.

Is text generated by 'Writing Assistant' plagiarism-free?

The AI text generator is trained on billions of parameters, so in most cases it produces text that is unique and free of plagiarism.

We always recommend that you check it for accuracy before using it. There is a small chance that factual inaccuracies may exist.

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Patodia Infotech Private Limited (fastdevai.com) has no responsibility for any text or code generated or for any action taken by you based on the contents provided by this web site. The use of this web site is solely at the user's risk. All the services are provided with the understanding that Patodia Infotech Private Limited or any other person or company associated with this company or website are not responsible for any loss or damage occurring to anybody from any code or contents generated by this website. Please note that text, codes and contents are generated by AI. These are state-of-the-art AI solutions. However, these are AI tools so there is no guarantee of accuracy of any code or contents generated.

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