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AI Scholar

AI Scholar is an AI-based DIGITAL TEACHER that has read millions of books. It is able to answer most questions and is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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For Students

If you have any doubts, just click on the Medium Answer; AI Scholar will answer your question in a clear and concise manner with examples. Click on 'Read Aloud' to listen to the explanation as if from a real teacher.

You can create study notes on any topic by clicking on the Study Notes from Topic; AI Scholar will create the notes on the given topic. Read or listen to the study notes carefully; this will improve your knowledge and help you improve your marks. Our AI-generated study notes are designed to help you understand and retain important information quickly and easily. You can also create study notes from paragraphs of your book by clicking on the Study Notes from Paragraphs.

There is a facility to generate questions and answers on any topic by clicking on the Generate Questions Answers from Topic. You can also generate questions and answers from paragraphs of your book by clicking on the Generate Questions Answers from Paragraphs. Read questions carefully and try to answer on your own then compare your answers with the answers given by AI Scholar. This will help you in preparing for your examination.

Lastly, there is a wonderful feature wherein you can enter your answer and AI Scholar will evaluate it, telling you of any mistakes you have made. This is the most wonderful feature. To use it, please click on the Evaluate Answer of Your Question.

Apart from the above facilities, we also provide the following resources specifically for the students:

Balance Chemical Equation: You can enter a chemical equation and AI Scholar will balance the equation.

Algebra - Factorize: AI Scholar factorizes the algebraic expression step by step using textbook method. This is immensely useful for students.

Algebra - Age Problems: AI Scholar can solve word problems on age, giving step-by-step method. As soon as you change any value, the complete solution is generated instantly.

For All

Apart from the resources specific to students, we also provide AI CodeGen that can generate code from plain English in multiple programming languages. We also provide Writing Assistant that can help you in writing superb emails, paraphrase text, writing blogs etc.

There are so many other facilities. Below, we give list of these facilities:

Short Answer: This option will provide you with a short answer.

Medium Answer: This option will provide you with a medium answer. Generally, this answer will be between 300 and 500 words. Sometimes, the answer may not be correct as things keep changing like weather, politicians and so on. In such case, you can click on the button "Search Web for Updated Answer". In that case AI Scholar will search the Web and will provide you updated answer.

Long Answer: This option will provide you with a long answer.

Story Generator: Unleash your imagination and let me help you create a captivating story with just a few simple inputs. Provide me with a topic, a sentence, or even just a few keywords and I can generate a unique and compelling narrative.

Poem Generator: Unleash the poet within you and let me help you craft beautiful and evocative verse with just a few simple inputs. Provide me with a topic, a sentence, or even just a few keywords, and I can generate a unique and lyrical poem for you.

Generate Long Article from the Topic: You can generate long article by enter any topic of your choice.

Grammar correction: Just enter the text you want to check for grammatical and spelling errors, and AI Scholar will fix almost all the errors.

Word Usage: Just enter a word or phrase, and AI Scholar will generate five sentences showing its usage. Of course, Medium Answer can also provide word usage, synonyms, antonyms, and provide answer to almost any question.

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Patodia Infotech Private Limited (fastdevai.com) has no responsibility for any text or code generated or for any action taken by you based on the contents provided by this web site. The use of this web site is solely at the user's risk. All the services are provided with the understanding that Patodia Infotech Private Limited or any other person or company associated with this company or website are not responsible for any loss or damage occurring to anybody from any code or contents generated by this website. Please note that text, codes and contents are generated by AI. These are state-of-the-art AI solutions. However, these are AI tools so there is no guarantee of accuracy of any code or contents generated.

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